Need health insurance? See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
If you've experienced a life event, such as having a baby, getting married, losing coverage through an employer, or moving to Maine, you can enroll in health insurance outside of Open Enrollment.
Getting ready to file your taxes? Check the box to qualify for the Easy Enrollment Tax Referral Program.
If you need health insurance and haven't filed your Maine state taxes yet, you can qualify for a new Special Enrollment Period, the Easy Enrollment Tax Referral Program. Just check the box and select your preferred contact method on Form 1040ME and we'll contact you with information about how to enroll.
Curious about the cost of plans for 2025? 85% of enrollees qualify for financial savings.
Don't get scared by health insurance sticker prices. For many Mainers, the price you see when you compare plans is not the price you would actually pay. Enter your estimated income for 2025 to see how much you could save.
Losing MaineCare?
If you've recently lost MaineCare coverage and don't have access to health insurance from another source, you can likely find affordable coverage through Access the Special Enrollment Period by creating or logging in to a account and selecting "Recently Lost MaineCare" from our list of Special Enrollment Periods.